1、咋感觉和在Apple Store摸的手感不一样啊,还是说18款和20款的键盘材质不一样,20款键帽材质有硬布砂的感觉(词穷hhhh),或者是我错觉;2、打字手感是真不习惯,话说这个打字硬要按个Steven 天文爱好者入手apple Smart Keyboard folio 体验首先,重量还是很满意的,我现在用的保护壳是Moshi的,并不带键盘,但是感觉用起来很笨重,还不如这款带
优点一:Smart Keyboard Folio可以完全放平,对于Procreate用户以及学生党学习记笔记来说是非常好用的!优点二:和妙控键盘相比,Smart Keyboard Folio的价格便宜了很多!缺点:SmarSupports Smart Keyboard Folio —Not available Capacity5 128GB 64GB 64GB 256GB 256GB 256GB 512GB 1TB 2TB Size and Weight6 Height11.04 inches (280.6 mm) Height9.74
Canada United States Mexico Shopping in the U.S.? International customers can shop on bestbuy and have orders shipped to any U.S. address or U.S. store.SeThe Smart Keyboard Folio for iPad Pro and iPad Air is a comfortable keyboard when you need one, and provides elegant front and back protection when you don’t. With two convenient vi
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